Sunday, September 11, 2005

I have been a transient for over three months until just this week. I finally landed in my new home in Bellingham, WA where I will be working toward a master in Geology. Now I am feeling out the town, finding the cool bars and cheeps eateries.

It is time to park the aging old Toyota. Now over 150, thousand miles that is, and showing signs of old age. My trusted truck has taken me far though. We have traveled over 4,500 miles in three weeks. We drove across half of the country from the desert to the ocean. We drove from cactus to ferns and an to an entirely new mountain range to explore. The glaciated Cascade Mountains and adjoining costal ranges of British Columbia are stunning and invite me to their summits from my apartment window. I have been taking it easy. After our failure in Yosemite I spent a week in Portland, drinking beer on Captain Nates sail boat, "Luciele".

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This is one view at night.

Portland is a Beautiful city and treated my nicely. Thank you Nate and Bill for the crash space. Next I spent some time getting acquanted with my new range. I met Nate and Sue in the Stuart range for some high angle fun.

Our chosen route and it was cold. booo hoo it's the end of summer
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Nate and Sue coming up!
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Sue rapping the ridge with Nate looking down from way up top.
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1 comment:

Larakin said...

Nice pictures! Glad to see you are finally settled down. Me, Im am still in between my old and new house. with no time to actually finish the move!